LIfe Younique
God wants us to both dream AND plan. The dream gives us a picture of what our lives could be like when we trust God’s purpose. The plan defines the steps it will take to achieve the dream.
After completing an OnDemand Training, most folks wonder what's NEXT... And the answer is to complete your LIFE PLAN during a two-weekend retreat called LifeYounique. Younique’s tools make all the difference. Over 87 tools will drive you to dream based on your God-given design and then challenge you to define clear steps to reach that dream. The process can be very challenging, driving you to a deeper level of self-awareness and enduring clarity.
Younique begins with tools that enable you to examine and interpret your life story. You’ll evaluate your unique passion, abilities, and context to guide the development of your Life Plan. Finally, you’ll work through an experience of discovering and articulating your life’s mission … You'll walk away with a road map for your next 3 year, one year and 90 days Life Plan all on ONE PAGE.
As you look at the horizon of your next chapter in life what can you see?
If it seems fuzzy, distant or overwhelming then it’s a perfect time to begin a Life Younique Journey.

Step 1: Schedule a meet and greet call to say hi and get any questions answered!
Step 2: Train your STAFF in a 4 Day Accelerator format, so you have a team of leaders to walk with your community through the process.
STEP 3: Schedule the Weekend Retreats for your church and community. We recommend a Fall/Spring format.
STEP 4: Announce and publicize the 6 Week ONLINE Primer. You'll get FREE access to anyone in your church to get a taste of what they will discover during the weekend Life Younique Retreats!
Step 5: Get 10+ people registered for a weekend Life Younique Retreat.
Step 6: Host both Retreat Weekends & Celebrate the Life Clarity!!
Step 7: REPEAT steps 3-5 year after year until 80% of your church are living out their Life Call with boldness and beauty!
You're NOT alone!
YOUnique weekends must be sponsored by a church
because JESUS declared that the gates of hell will not prevail against her.
I'm here to cheer you on and make sure you have the right tools at the right time when things feel cluttered, unclear, or confusing.
Let's get started today!

Craig Morrison
I believe we are created to live the ABUNDANT LIFE that Jesus talked about, but too often we settle for comfort, security, and the easy road. We end up reacting instead of PRO-ACTING.
You have to learn to lead YOURSELF before you can ever expect to grow your leadership capacity to lead an organization. Let's get started today!
Grace & Peace,

" While I hold an appreciation for all my formal education, there was something different, more basic and fundamental, more 'life-connected', about the centering work God did in me through this training.
-John Vanderstoep, church planter

" This training has been an answer to prayer. The tools are simple and reproducible and have brought much needed clarity for our staff team, which is giving us a common language to begin the process of transformation for our community.
-Dee Dee Peck, pastor